MarketPal Review
MarketPal Review – INTRODUCTION
In the era of digital technology development, marketing strategies need to always be flexible, creative, and change in accordance with the market and the customers. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to build effective marketing strategy because marketing plays a significant impact on consumer tastes as well as the revenue that businesses achieve. Honestly, from my perspective, the one thing that’s made business extremely successful is email marketing. It’s the first and foremost thing for you to focus on. Email is still by far the #1 form of communication online and when you start to use email for your marketing, the way that email was designed for will evaluate your business performance.
In addition, when you have an email list that you can market to day in and day out, it really is like having an ATM at your disposal. And with a responsive email list, freedom and profits come easy to you. So, to get effective results as you want, you need a tool to support you, and of course, saving time and money as much as possible.
Now, I am going to hand you a very useful tool so that you can easily start building your own profitable email lists quickly! – It is Marketpal.
Let’s keep reading my MarketPal Review below and I will show you how to take advantage of this product in details!
MarketPal Review – Overview
Vendor: | Dr. Amit Pareek |
Product: | MarketPal |
Launch Date: | 2020-Sep-10 |
Launch Time: | 10:00 EDT |
Front-End Price: | $67 |
Recommendation: | Highly Recommend |
Home Page: | |
Refund: | 30 Days Money Back Guarantee |
Niche: | Software |
MarketPal Review – WHAT IS MARKETPAL?
Marketpal is the world’s only app that creates lightning fast pages, pop-ups, splash pages, sticky bars and send unlimited emails with zero hassles. Marketpal is packed with ground-breaking features that makes it a cut above the rest.
SUMMARY Marketpal is the world’s only app that creates lightning fast pages, pop-ups, splash pages, sticky bars and send unlimited emails with zero hassles. Marketpal is packed with ground-breaking features that makes it a cut above the rest. Pros Cons
- Customized drag & drop business central dashboard: with the user friendly & intuitive drag and drop dashboard, you can rearrange sections however you see fit on screen to customize visibility for maximum productivity.
- 100+ beautiful & mobile friendly done for you lead pages, pop ups, & email templates: a number of visually appealing templates to get you started and impress customers at the first sight. Just load them up, click to edit, make changes, and you’re good to go.
- True 360* email lead capturing technology: Marketpal 360* technology lets you capture emails from a number of places online without a single hitch.
- Exclusive email follow-up journey automated technology: just like building a funnel, you’ll be able to visually design the journey of your email follow ups with total ease. This will give you a perfect view of how your campaign will look to your subscribers. Once you’re done and satisfied with your designed campaign, simply let the automation do all the work of managing the campaign for you while you sit back and profit.
- Advanced drag & drop page editor: There are so many features included that helps you easily design your lead pages and other items inside of Marketpal 360
- Seamless integration with the most popular autore-sponder services: You can keep your auto-responder service while taking advantage of all the power and features of Marketpal 360* at the same time!
- Integrates with your SMTP easily: Marketpal 360* can also work with just about every SMTP service too. And configuring the settings is an absolute breeze.
- List cleaning and list checking included at no extra cost: Marketpal 360* comes with built in list cleaning and list checking options for you. So you not only save money on these services, but make sure you’re emailing a clean list with every single follow up and promotion.
- Craft form emails with our intuitive editor
- Unlimited email sending & scheduling without any restrictions: Marketpal 360* will deliver your emails on time every time.
- Smart tagging for easy segmentation – a true conversion booster. You’ll also be able to tag your subscribers to various offers, interests, and more. This feature helps to boost conversions. This can increase subscriber retention and boost your open rates.
- MarketPal Review – Advanced spam checker – makes sure your emails get delivered: Marketpal 360* includes one of the finest and most advanced spam checkers available today. Run your emails through this option and you’ll have insight as to whether or not your email will make it to the inbox. Great for boosting your deliverability before you press send.
- Detailed email analytics at your fingertips: Marketpal 360* can give you all the data you need for your email marketing campaigns and not even break a sweat. Get down to the details of every single campaign to see what’s working and what to avoid.
- Personalization options to boost open rates: Marketpal 360* gives you a personal touch to your emails so that your emails will stand out.
- 100,000 contacts for your massive list building needs. Other auto-responder services charge you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month depending on your email list size. However, with Marketpal 360*, 100000 contact option will be unlocked for you without any hidden fees.
- 100 email lists to organize your email marketing: Marketpal gives you 100 different email lists to organize all your contacts. This is great to help with segmentation.
- 50 domain names included: although we provide you sub domains for you to host your pages on (see below), we also give you full customization over where your pages are displayed with Marketpal 360*.
- Sticky bar notifications to capture major attention: By having sticky bars, you can increase sign ups and promos just by adding this to your page quickly. Also, there’s no technical savvy required here. We’ll show you how to create and add this to your desired site in mere minutes using Marketpal 360*
- Hosting for all your pages is included – no expensive hosting fees necessary! All you need to do is just create your page, publish, and you’re all set to capture leads with pages that load faster than the blink of an eye.
- Automatic SSL encryption for every page you create. Normally you’d have to pay extra for a SSL certificate, but not with Marketpal. You’re getting that same SSL encryption for every page you ever create with your account at no additional charge.
MarketPal Review – HOW DOES IT WORK?
Using Marketpal will power your business in 3 easy steps:
- Step 1: Choose your lead capture option in Marketpal
- Step 2: Edit and add to your desired platform
- Step 3: Build your list and profit
I have used this product as a beta-tester and now, I am going to instruct you how to use Marketpal in details.
You can trust my MarketPal Review. Every words in this article is from my personal experience and I will make it as real as possible.
Every user will have an account with email and password, you need to login to the website and make email lists.
here’s the main dashboard when you successfully log in to Marketpal. At the left side of the screen, it’s the main features of Marketpal as you can see from the image.
When you click “all campaigns”, the dashboard will show up like the image. There are 4 parts: summary of campaigns, status of campaigns, projects and type of campaigns.
With summary of campaigns, you will know how many campaigns you have in total, how many the audience and contacts you get, your goal and sales.
Looking at this part, you will know how many campaigns are active or inactive. There is any draft or not and how many campaigns complete.
All of your projects will show up here. You can click “view all projects” to see more.
The final section indicates how many campaigns you have created depending on type of campaigns such as funnels/journey, pages, videos, mails or popup and bars. You can view all if you want.
Move to the projects parts, here is all of your projects. You can sort by campaign or search the project you want by keywords. Click “new project” at the right corner of the dashboard to create a new one.
Type the project name here and hit “create”.
And here’s the dashboard of Mails. Marketpal is a product that allows you to create and send email marketing to unlimited subscribers and users can create unlimited lists, import unlimited subscribers without any hassle.
And to do that, you firstly need to create lists. In the Audience part, you choose “Lists”.
Here, you hit the button to import contacts to create lists.
You will enter your list name here and hit “create”.
After you create a list, you have to import contacts to that list. There are 2 ways for you to add: import from PC (via file excel) or upload manually (that you have to enter each email)
Here’s an example of adding contacts manually. Then you’re done, click “save”.
It will show up like this when you successfully add contacts.
Now, I will instruct you to create a new broadcast email after you have contact lists.
Click “new email” create a new one. You will type its name before creating it.
Now, you will go through 5 steps to create a new broadcast email. First step is to select design for your email. You can compose email from blank template or choose from ready-made templates.
Additionally, you can customize whatever you want from your chosen email template as you can see from the image. After that, you click “next” to move to the next step.
In the “contact” step, you will choose lists that you have previously created.
Now, let’s move to the sending option. Here, there are some configure sending settings. You will select from name and email and then choose SMTP as the image above.
You even can schedule the email to be sent right now or at a specific time.
To add SMTP to the email, you go through Business Settings -> Mails settings -> choose SMTP you want and add API key from that SMTP. It’s done.
You can also add from and reply email like this: mails settings -> from & reply email settings -> select email that you want to add a new email manually.
Here’s the screen when you choose to add new email. Click “verify” when you finish.
And you are done to create a new broadcast email.
When you finish creating a new email, you can view its analytics in the mail part of “analytics”. You can see from the image.
And here’s for you to see analytics of sent emails.
You can see subscriber activity and un-subscriber activity as well.
Not only Marketpal allows you to send a single broadcast email but it also is going to allow you to set up follow up emails, create signup forms, webinar registration,etc
Let’s take a look at funnels/journey part. There are some active templates for you here which is previously created. With any funnels you create, it will be analyzed. Click “analytics” to see more.
It is the analytics of Funnel 1. It will show you audience overview in number as the image above.
You can know the traffic stats via this chart. Select period if you want to.
Here’s for unique triggers and completed.
And the last part of analytics is journey element which helps you to view quick stats of your journey elements instantly such as how much audience it has, what the conversion rate is and so on.
Analytics also provides you the data based on technology. firstly, they are operating systems such as android, windows, etc. it shows how many customers visit your campaign via that operating systems or the conversion rate.
You will know top browsers and devices used by your audience to land on or view your page as well. You can view by selected period.
It is also be analyzed by location such as top 10 countries or cities from where your pages or funnels/jouney get most traffic and conversions.
Here, you can view conversion graph for the lead pages.
Or view conversion graph for the promo pages.
It is for conversion graph for the share pages.
there are also graph for sales of your campaigns and conversion rate as well.
back to the main dashboard of funnels/journey. here, you can edit funnels/journey or create a new one as you want.
once you create a new funnel/journey, a question will pop up like this. you need to answer it by clicking on the respond you want. see the image above to know more.
Here is the first step to create a new funnel. This step is called template section. Here, there are many templates for you to select which are from gallery, from my templates or you can create from scratch. You can select any option that you want.
I chose to create my funnel from scratch and here’s the inside of it. Looking at the left side, you will see many tools and features which helps you to build your own funnels. The first part is trigger. You can select one trigger by dragging and then dropping it on the screen. There are many triggers such as: landing page, contact, email, attribute changes or segment. Remember that you can choose only one trigger for one funnel.
after I choose landing page for trigger, it will show up many landing pages here for me to select which one. Click “choose” on any landing page that you want.
after that, you can change your landing page by clicking “settings” at the trigger part. It will directly you to this and you can edit the content of landing page as you want. You can see from the image to know more.
For example, I click “download your free cheat-sheet” to edit it and then I hit “save & next”.
When you are done with editing landing page, next, you will publish and activate it after answering those questions which are about where you want to publish the page, privacy status and when you want to publish.
If you want to publish the page on URL, here’s for you.
It is for you to show Dotcompal branding or not.
Choose to public page or set a password protected.
set a time that you want to publish landing page and then “save and activate”.
Any trigger will lead to action and you have to drag it to the next step that you want. You can see from the image above.
Here’s inside of contact when you choose it as a trigger. You need to fill all of that information and then click save.
And if you choose email trigger, you have to select broadcast email here. In case you have not had any, create a new one.
Now, I will show you how to create a new broadcast email. You need to go through 5 steps like this after name your new email. The first step is design selection where you can choose templates for your email from gallery or My templates.
After selecting design for broadcast email, you will have ability to edit it like the way you want. Clicking on the part you want to edit, some tools will appear for you to use and support you to design an attractive email as you want.
Looking at the left side, you have ability to turn on or off some part in the email such as logo, text1 or text2 and so on.
Click “next” after you finish editing.
The third step is adding contacts to your email.
It also provides suppression list and some lists and tags which should not be included.
When you are done to create a new broadcast email, back to the main dashboard of trigger, you will see 5 different triggers like the image.
You need to connect any of them to the target action that you want.
And here’s the screen when you choose “attribute changes” trigger. You need to select from the list and then click “save”.
You can filter the specific contacts according to the changed attribute like this.
Don’t forget to save.
another trigger is that if any contact/visitor is added from a “specific segment”. Now, you need to choose a segment from lists or add a new segment by hitting “+”. Then “save”.
when you finish choosing trigger for your funnel/journey, you then need to choose target action based on these triggers. There are 6 different actions as you can see from the image which are showing landing page, send email, add to list, add tag, lead score and pop-ups & bars.
Remember that, you can choose just one trigger but you can select target actions as many as you can.
If you choose to add tag as the target action, here’s the dashboard. You have to enter tags in that blank box and then hitting “save”.
Here’s for you in case you want to add the specific contacts into any list.
You also can add/remove lead score “specific contacts”.
If the target action is pop-ups & bars, you need to choose the campaigns that you want or create a new one.
And this control tool is to end a journey. You can see from the image to understand more.
When you are done, click “save and next” at the top right corner of the dashboard.
Moving to the last step of creating new funnels, you will need to review it before deciding to publish. Click “publish” and activate it after fully reviewing.
Your new funnel/journey will be shown up here and you can edit it, view analytics or duplicate it as you want with that buttons. Once you want to de-active your funnel, let’s hit “stop” option.
Now, I will instruct you to create popup and bar. Here’s the main dashboard when you click “popup and bars” in the menu bar. There are some ready-made ones as you can see from the image. You can edit and view analytics of them if you want.
Firstly, you have to type popup and bar title in that box, then click “create”.
You will go through 3 steps to design a popup & bar. Firstly, you can design new one by choosing from gallery, my templates or from scratch.
When you finish choosing template for your popup and bar, you will move to the step “editor” with screen like this. on the left side, you can see many tools which will support you to design popup and bar more attractively. It is drag-n-drop editor. You can pick any element and then drop it at the position you want on popup and bar. It is very simple and easy to design.
When you want to add images on popup and bar, you can select from gallery or upload new ones from your device by clicking on “upload” button.
Here is for you if you want to add icons. There are lots of icons to select. When you are done, click “save and next”.
Now, let’s move to the final step. Here, you will choose where you want to publish this campaign, where and when to show it, how to show, and set maximum limits to this campaign.
Select segment to publish this popup and bar.
Where you want to show it, on whole website or on specific location? Pick one and type.
Lots of options for you to choose how to show this campaign. You can see from the image above.
Enter maximum limits for that campaign as you want.
Now, choose date and time to show it and set campaign frequency as well. After that, click “save and activate”.
And here’s the result. You can review your popup and bars here as well as edit, view analytics and do some stuffs with options shown in the image.
Mazmail also supports you to integrate with many systems such as CRM, webinar, content provider or drives.
There are many auto-responders such as getgist, getresponse, mailchimp and so on.
With CRM, you will have salesforce IQ, salesforce, infusionsoft and hubspot. And with webinar, you have gotowebinar and demio.
And here are some content providers and drives as you can see from the image above.
Besides, Marketpal supports you to do A/B testing and check analytics of your total campaigns. A/B testing allows you to compare 2 pages, 2 subject emails, 2 popups and then helps you decide the winner.’
Analytics allows you to see in-depth analytics of your campaigns that you have previously created.
MarketPal Review – MY OPINION
To be honest, Marketpal is a good product that you should invest. It is really easy to use Marketpal to customize your 360degree email marketing from scratch as you want! You can take control of your traffic, your leads and make money from it. Anyone can actually do this and one cool thing about this software is that you can do all this without any installment and on every device.
I highly recommend you to use this product right now before the price goes up! You will not regret!
MarketPal Review – Pros:
- All-in-one solution
- Get everything max
- Automate your email marketing
- Get all benefits at limited low one-time-fee
- Lots of cool features
- Completely cloud based system – no downloads or complicated installation
- No domain or hosting required
- Effective bounce management
MarketPal Review – Cons
- Until now, there’s none.
MarketPal Review
- All kinds of marketers
- E-commerce Marketers
- Freelancers
- Online businesses
- MMO Marketers
- Email Marketers
MarketPal Review
Front End | Option 1 – MarketPal Start Edition ($47)
Option 2 – MarketPal Pro Edition ($67)
Features: Over 200+ Landing Page, Emails, Opt-in Forms and Notification Templates |
OTO 1 | Option 1 – MarketPal Elite Monthly Membership ($37/Month)
Option 2 – MarketPal Elite One-Time Deal ($197)
Features: Break FREE & Go Limitless – No Limits on What You Create & Make Profits with MarketPal Elite. |
Downsell | Option 1: MarketPal Lite ($67) |
OTO 2 | Option 1 – MarketPal Enterprise Standard ($47)
Option 2 – MarketPal Enterprise Commercial ($97)
Features: |
OTO 3 | Option 1 – MarketPal Agency Suite – 200 Clients Licence ($47)
Option 2 – MarketPal Agency Suite – Unlimited Clients ($97)
Features: – Provide – Funnel, Landing Page And Website Creation Services To Your Clients with DFY support for our software |
OTO 4 | Option 1 – MarketPal Premium Membership Monthly ($27/M)
Option 2 – MarketPal Premium Membership 1 Year Deal ($197) Option 3 – MarketPal Premium Membership One-Time ($497)
Features: – Make Unlimited Profits – Add Unlimited Businesses |
MarketPal Review – This is the end of my Marketpal Review. I hope that the article will lend you a hand in choosing the right tool for your business to make lots of money. It is really easy to use and definitely new beginners will have no difficulty in using it!
So, you definitely want to own Marketpal now. Let’s click the sales button now before the price goes up.
Lastly, if you like this product, comment below and let me know! Hope to get positive feedback from you!
NOTE: THIS IS THE SPECIAL DEAL FROM ME: I Will Support You Whenever You Want. (Just Add My Skype: rick.nguyen61). If You Buy This Product From My Site, You Can Ask Me Anything You Want.
I Will Help You Make Couple Of Sales When Using This Product.
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- Step 1: Order MARKETPAL by Clicking here.
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